Time and Location
Date: 17th – 19th October 2025
Address: Fillongley Village Hall, Coventry Road, Fillongley, Coventry, CV7 8EQ
Address: Fillongley Village Hall, Coventry Road, Fillongley, Coventry, CV7 8EQ
Rally Cost
£25 plus social fee TBC
Marshalls: Jodie Guy
Fresh Water & Elson: Yes
Hardstanding / Grass: Grass
Toilets / Showers: Toilets when hall is open
Refuse Point: TBC
The Chair’s thank you. This is an opportunity for the committee to thank all those who have marshalled or offered other significant support in the last 12 months..
Fresh Water & Elson: Yes
Hardstanding / Grass: Grass
Toilets / Showers: Toilets when hall is open
Refuse Point: TBC
The Chair’s thank you. This is an opportunity for the committee to thank all those who have marshalled or offered other significant support in the last 12 months..
If you have any problems booking a rally, please email the rally secretary at [email protected]